Wednesday, November 5, 2008

California Voters Pass Ban on Gay Marriage

LOS ANGELES -- California voters have approved a constitutional amendment outlawing same-sex marriage that overturns the state Supreme Court decision that gave gay couples the right to wed just months ago.

The passage of Proposition 8 represents a crushing political defeat for gay rights activists. They had hoped public opinion on the contentious issue had shifted enough to help them defeat the measure.

It also represents a personal loss for the thousands of couples from California and others states who got married in the brief window when they could. Legal experts have said it will have to be resolved in court whether their unions still are valid.

What a blessing it is to have this proposition pass. The world is a scary place and is going to continue to test our faith and strength in what we believe. I saw an exit poll in California that stated what percentage of men and women were for the ban and also another poll that had the percentages of ages who were for the ban on gay marriage. I noticed that the younger the age was, the smaller the percentage was for the protection of families and marriage. How important it is to teach our children what is right and to teach them to be examples and give them confidence to stand up for what they believe even if the rest of the world doesn't have the same views.


marcalicious said...

amen sister!!!!

Sarah Stout said...

I'm also really grateful this proposition passed, although I'm sad for all of those who feel so hurt by it. It's sad that SO many felt like our church was trying to denigrate them, when really we were just trying to express our freedom of speech and religion.